Your choice: Take a tour of the Planetary Union's starship

Really? This is the future! And thats what you want to do? You're serriously making me write about this? UGGH FINE!

You arrive at the starship, USS ORVILE and greatted by Cheif Engineer Maloy. He begings the tour by tell the story of the retired star ship. Maloy is actually a decandent of one of the origional crew members, has he explains many of tails and expidations that the ship went on he leads your group the ship starting at the cargo hold and moving up to the command helm, ending the tour. Has you observe the depowered controlls that have been out of commission for nearly 100 years you see a small, red, flashing circle. Like a button if the ship had any. This is quite strange, you speak up and ask Cheif Maloy about it. He tilts his head and looks at you confusingly before swiftly making his way over to you. He observes the control pannel for a moment and then looks back at you. With an even more puzzled look on his face, he asks you "where I'm not seeing any thing".

What now?

press the button or "nevermind" and go back to the Tardis
photo of the command deck of the orville