You are looking at the excuation of this code that creates this game!
var ballx = 300;
var bally = 300;
var ballSize = 40;
var score = 0;
var gameState = "L1";
function preload() {
map1 = loadImage('');
map2 = loadImage('');
map3 = loadImage('');
Waldo1 = loadImage ('');
win = loadImage ('');
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 400);
} // end of setup
function draw() {
if(gameState == "L1"){
if(gameState == "L2"){
if(gameState == "L3"){
if (gameState == "L4"){
text(("Score: " + score),width/2,40);
} //end of draw
function levelOne(){
text("Level 1", width/2, height-20);
var distToBall = dist(ballx, bally, mouseX, mouseY);
if(distToBall < ballSize/1.5){
ballx = random(width);
bally = random(height);
score = score +1;
if(score >= 5){
gameState = "L2";
image (Waldo1,ballx, bally, ballSize, ballSize);
//line(ballx, bally, mouseX, mouseY);
}// end of 1
function levelTwo(){
text("Level 2!", width/2, height-20);
var distToBall = dist(ballx, bally, mouseX, mouseY);
if(distToBall < ballSize/2){
ballx = random(width);
bally = random(height);
score = score +1;
if(score >= 10){
gameState = "L3";
image (Waldo1,ballx, bally, ballSize, ballSize);}
function levelThree(){
background (map3);
text("Level 3!", width/2, height-20);
var distToBall = dist(ballx, bally, mouseX, mouseY);
if(distToBall < ballSize/2){
ballx = random(width);
bally = random(height);
score = score +1;
ballSize = ballSize -5;
if(score >= 15){
background (random(255));
gameState = "L4";
// line(ballx, bally, mouseX, mouseY);
image (Waldo1,ballx, bally, ballSize, ballSize);
}// end of 3
function LevelFour(){
background (win);
text ("You Win!", width/2, height-20);